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ECE 135: Infant Toddler Program Development

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Articles are written by different authors and for different readers:

  • Scholarly articles are written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or information about a specific topic.  They are written for researchers like yourself.  They are also sometimes called academic or peer-reviewed articles.
  • Magazine articles are written by professional writers for a general audience.  These include magazines like National Geographic, Time, and People.
  • Newspaper articles are written by journalists for a general audience.  Local papers, like the Santa Cruz Sentinel, focus on local issues and readers.  They are generally short and are written quickly to focus on the latest news.

Find Journal Articles:

  • OneSearch  searches across all library collections.  Refine your search to focus on child development.
  • ERIC articles & reports on education. Select "full-text" to limit to full-text sources.
  • Psychology & Behavioral Sciences  scholarly psychology articles. Select "full-text" to limit to full-text sources.
  • Biography in Context biographies on ECE theorists and many others.

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Unlike articles, books:

  • Are written on a broader, general subject
  • May contain a collection of related chapters by different authors
  • Contain less recent information

Remember: you may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!

Books: California Department of Education

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Educación infantil:  Libros en español

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Child in a library holding a book with a frog face in front of his faceChildren's Books



Caldecott Award for artists of the most distinguished American picture book for children.

Newberry Medal for distinguished contribution to American literature for children.

Pura Belpré Award for works by a Latinx writer and illustrator whose work best portrays, affirms, and celebrates the Latinx cultural experience.

Citations & Attributions