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Library Instruction Shared Resources



You can evaluate any source using the 5 W's:

  • Who: ...wrote it? Are they an expert?
  • What: the purpose of this resource?
  • Where: ...was this information published? ...does the information come from?
  • When: ...was this published or last updated?
  • Why: this resource useful? this resource better than other ones?

This infographic explains how different sources are created and shared, including:

  • Number published per day
  • Whether a source is reviewed and fact-checked
  • The authors background and education
  • Whether they cite outside sources
  • How many words they use
  • How much background you need to understand a source

To find descriptions of different types of sources, click on image of icons for different sources:  tweets, tumblr blogs, Youtube videos, newspapers, popular magazines, professional journals, scholarly journals, academic books, and encyclopedias

Many college assignments require you to use peer reviewed articles, also known as scholarly or academic articles. 

This brief video explains what peer review means.

Scholarly articles -- also called peer reviewed or academic articles -- follow a very specific format. 

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article 

This video describes how to read and understand scientific research articles.

Fact-Checking Strategies

SIFT icon for "Investigate" shows a magnifying glassInvestigate the Source

You don’t have to do a three-hour investigation into a source before you engage with it. But knowing the expertise and agenda of the person who created the source is crucial to your interpretation of the information provided.

When investigating a source, fact-checkers read “laterally” across many websites, rather than digging deep (reading “vertically”) into the one source they are evaluating. That is, they don’t spend much time on the source itself, but instead they quickly get off the page and see what others have said about the source. For example, look up the publisher on Wikipedia, to quickly check for credibility.

Watch the short (2:44) video below for a demonstration of this strategy.

SIFT icon for Trace Claims shows 3 dots narrowing down to one dot

Trace Claims, Quotes, and Media to the Original Context

Much of what we find on the internet has been stripped of context. People who re-report stories get things wrong by mistake, or, in some cases, they are intentionally misleading. When you trace claims, quotes, and media back to the original source you can see it in its original context and get a sense of whether the version you saw was accurately presented.

Please watch the following video (1:33) that discusses re-reporting vs. original reporting and demonstrates a quick tip: going “upstream” to find the original reporting source.

SIFT icon for Find Better Coverage shows a check markFind Better Coverage

What if the source you find is low-quality, or you can’t determine if it is reliable or not? Perhaps  you don’t really care about the source—you care about the claim that source is making.  A common example of this is a meme you might encounter on social media. The random person or group who posted the meme may be less important than the quote or claim the meme makes.

Your best strategy in this case might be to find a better source, to look for other coverage that includes trusted reporting or analysis on the claim. Rather than relying on the source that you initially found, you can trade up for a higher quality source.

Please watch this video (4:10) that demonstrates this strategy and notes how fact-checkers build a library of trusted sources they can rely on to provide better coverage.


Pros Cons
Worlds largest encyclopedia with millions of entries on obscure topics Articles are not edited or peer-reviewed
Great place to start & identify keywords

Many instructors will not allow Wikipedia citations because they are not not edited or reviewed

Updated regularly, sometimes by the second Articles get vandalized for ideological reasons or just for fun
Can include excellent references & external links Can be skewed or biased -- based on authors interests, beliefs, opinions
Anyone can edit Wikipedia -- the people's encyclopedia! Anyone can edit Wikipedia -- no one checks their credentials or agendas


Databases include articles from:

  • journals
  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • reports
  • books

...and other sources


Cabrillo has more than thirty databasesSome, such as Academic Search Complete, are general and cover all subjects.  Others, such as Literature Resource Center, cover specific subjects.


To research a specific subject, use a subject-specific database, such as American History & Life

To research a topic across many different subjects, try using SuperSearch.  SuperSearch can also be useful for finding sources on obscure topics


Scholarly articles are written and reviewed by experts in the field.  They include a lot of research and data and  an extensive works cited list the.  They are published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.

Popular articles are written by professional writers or journalists for a general audience.  They are not reviewed by experts in the field, and they rarely include a works cited list.


BEAM Model

Background  sources that provide context
Exhibit  sources that illustrate the issue, e.g. primary sources
Argument  expert witnesses, use to argue or complicate your argument.  Credentials important here
Method  framework, theoretical approach…  most difficult, for more advanced students, students in their major (e.g. World Systems Theory, Feminist Framework, Marxism)

Students can use BEAM to:

  • Think about what kind of sources you are going to need for a specific assignment
  • Analyze the sources they already have, putting them in BEAM buckets
  • Read an article and think about how the author uses sources
  • Evaluate sources for authority based on their intended use

Tutorial:  Focus on evidence not sources