Welcome back to the Cabrillo College Library!
We are excited to be reopening the Library building to work with you. You may notice some changes from the last time you saw us in person in March 2020.
To support all students, faculty, and staff, we are changing our operating hours for the Fall 2021 semester to offer a blend of online and onsite hours.
The Library is no longer charging late fees or overdue fines for materials that are not returned by their due date and time. We may charge replacement fees for long-overdue materials that are assumed lost. We'll be sharing more details about this change in a future blog post. Stay tuned!
We're checking out some of our books for longer timeframes!
We are providing hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and disposable surgical masks (if you need them). Please wipe down your table and/or computer workstation before and after using it. At the computers, you can choose to use the supplied headphones or unplug them to use your own. Please do not listen to videos or music with sound on without headphones, as this disturbs others who are using the library. Seating is available outside on the Library veranda for Zoom meetings.
In order to comply with campus COVID-19 protocols for occupancy of our spaces, we've removed some of our seating from tables and computer workstations for adequate physical distancing. We've also reduced our seating capacity in our Quiet Study Rooms on the second floor. Please keep the chairs with the tables and workstations where they're assigned, and refrain from moving armchairs closer together or adding chairs to tables. If you plan to study in a group, please use outdoor spaces, as we cannot currently accommodate groups inside.
For the time being, our indoor group study rooms are closed. We're using them to store our chairs from other parts of the library! We have installed new tables and benches outside on the Library veranda for groups to gather.
We've also had some changes in personnel since last March.
We're so glad to be back with you on campus and online. If you have questions about the Library's services, policies, hours, and programs, please visit our website or use our Ask A Librarian FAQ. You can also reach out to Joanna Messer Kimmitt, Director of Library Programs and Services, at jokimmit@cabrillo.edu.
Welcome back, Seahawks! We're so glad to see you.