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newspapersNews Sources

  • Intended for a general audience
  • Written by journalists
  • Reviewed by one or more editors for quality and accuracy
  • Provide information on a recent event or topic of interest
  • Provide the perspectives of average people, not experts

IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all news sources are created equal! Some have hidden (or obvious!) motives or political beliefs. Do some background research into who owns the news organization to learn more about it.

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  • U.S. Newsstream includes the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and many other newspapers 
  • OneSearch search everything in OneSearch and limit to "Newspaper Articles"
  • Google News free online newspapers

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Stack of magazinesArticles are written by different authors and for different readers:

  • Scholarly articles are written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or information about a specific topic.  They are written for researchers like yourself.  They are also sometimes called academic or peer-reviewed articles.
  • Magazine articles are written by professional writers for a general audience.  These include magazines like National Geographic, Time, and People.
  • Newspaper articles are written by journalists for a general audience.  Local papers, like the Santa Cruz Sentinel, focus on local issues and readers.  They are generally short and are written quickly to focus on the latest news.

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