APA (American Psychological Association) Style Citations
Papers using APA citation must include 1) in-text citations, and 2) a reference list
In-Text Citations
When you quote, paraphrase, or reference another authors ideas you must use In-Text Citations that include the author's name and a page number when available. In-Text Citations alert your reader that you are citing or paraphrasing another authors ideas. The authors you cite in your in-text citations are also listed at the end in your reference list. Here are two ways to create in-text citations using APA style:
Include the author’s (or editor’s) name directly in the text of the sentence. |
Critser (2003) noted that despite growing numbers of overweight Americans, many health care providers still “remain either in ignorance or outright denial about the health danger to the poor and the young” (p. 5). |
Omit the author’s name in the sentence, but cite the name plus the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence |
Despite growing numbers of overweight Americans, many health care providers still “remain either in ignorance or outright denial about the health danger to the poor and the young” (Critser, 2003, p. 5).) |
For longer quotes, instead of using quotation marks you will indent five spaces to indicate that you are quoting an outside source:
For detailed information about creating in-text citations for different kinds of sources, see Hacker's Resource and Documentation or your LIBR 10 Handbook.
Reference List
Your Reference List includes all the works you have cited in your paper -- your sources.
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