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Native American History & Culture

Native History Events

Book Talk:  Indigenous Santa Cruz

Martin Rizzo-Martinez discusses his book, We are not Animals, which addresses the history of Indigenous people of the Santa Cruz region in the 19th century, a time of great violence and change. Drawing on oral histories, mission records, and the work of anthropologists, archaeologists, ecologists, and psychologists, the book traces tribal, familial, and kinship networks to reveal stories of individuals and families, and show how ethnic and tribal differences and politics shaped strategies of resistance and survival within the diverse population taken to Mission Santa Cruz.

Native American History & Culture

Native American Heritage Month


One Search Search Search across almost all of the library databases at the same time.

CQ Researcher 

  • Native American Rights An overview of Native American Rights including timelines, articles, and pro/con articles.
  • Native American Sovereignty An overview of Native American Sovereignty including timelines, npro/con articles, and maps/graphs.

Ethnic Newswatch

Library Databases  A-Z list of Cabrillo Library databases.

Primary Sources and Statistics