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ENGL 1A Chaney

Find Sources

OneSearch is a tool that allows you to search many Library collections at the same time.

OneSearch works well when you want to access a wide variety of sources at once, and is a good tool when starting your research. OneSearch is convenient, but like Google, yields an overwhelming number of results. Be prepared to use the limiters on the left to refine and focus your results.

Watch this 3-minute video for an overview of how to search and refine your results in OneSearch.

Opposing Viewpoints is great for basic information about your topic, Pro/Con perspectives, and finding a variety of sources.  You can also review their Browse Issues list if you're having trouble picking a research topic.

Watch this 2-minute video for an overview of how to search Opposing Viewpoints.

  1. Watch the video below
  2. Search for sources in Literature Online using your keywords.


  1. Watch the video below
  2. Search for sources in JStor using your keywords.

newspapersNews Sources:

  • Intended for a general audience
  • Written by journalists
  • Reviewed by one or more editors for quality and accuracy
  • Provide information on a recent event or topic of interest
  • Provide the perspectives of average people, not experts

IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all news sources are created equal! Some have hidden (or obvious!) motives or political beliefs. Do some background research into who owns the news organization to learn more about it.

Find News Sources:

  • Google News Searches free, online newspapers.
  • U.S. Newsstream (use your Canvas login to access from home)  Provides free, full-text access to newspapers such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and many others.
  • America's Newsbank (use your SCPL Library card to access from home) Provides free, full-text access to local newspapers such as the Santa Cruz Sentinel and the San Jose Mercury.

Local Resources

Text Description from Santa Cruz County CAP Year 25: Snapshot Summary (2019)