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Collection Development at the Cabrillo College Library

Gifts of Books & Media

Gifts of materials will be accepted provided they comply with applicable Cabrillo College Board policies and regulations, and provided there are no restrictions attached to such a gift. The Library may add them to the collection at its discretion or dispose of them if they do not meet the standards for selection. As a general rule, gift books will be added to the collection based on the same criteria as purchased material. In regard to the donation of books and other instructional materials:

  • The library shall have the prerogative to refuse gift books which do not meet selection criteria.
  • It shall be made clear to the donor that the library will determine the classification, housing and circulation policies of all gifts. As with purchased items, the library retains the right to dispose of duplicates and unneeded materials as it sees fit, and the library shall not assign a value to the donation for tax or any other purpose.

Gifts of Money

Gifts of money will be accepted provided they comply with applicable Cabrillo College Board policies and regulations, and provided there are no restrictions attached to such a gift. There are several options for those wishing to contribute funds to help the Library build strong collections that benefit students and faculty:

  • Donate to the Library Endowment through the Cabrillo College Foundation, which purchases new books, media, and other resources. Funds must be unrestricted.
  • Honor an individual or an organization. Make a donation to purchase a book or media item in honor or in memory of an individual or an organization. Such items can bear a bookplate naming the honoree.

Contact Information

For more information about financial donations or donating materials to the Library, please contact Joanna Messer Kimmitt, Director of Library Programs & Services, at or 831-479-5771.