Library faculty and the Library Director plan for and coordinate the content within the library's collections. Librarians serve as liaison contacts with faculty to promote communication and interchange about the library's collections; to enhance the library's ability to support instructional programs; and to be responsive to changes in curricula. Instructors in other disciplines are encouraged to contact librarians or the director at any time for help and guidance in shaping the library's collection. Library faculty and the Library Director have operational responsibility for selection of learning materials.. Non-librarian faculty members are encouraged to suggest materials in their own areas of expertise and to make recommendations for materials for the development of the whole collection.
This policy document applies to learning materials in any format.
The Library Director and faculty librarians select materials based upon these general criteria:
The Library considers several criteria when deciding what not to collect. For example, it would be rare for the Library to acquire materials with all of these characteristics:
Certain licensed materials such as industry white papers, certain technical standards, textbooks, and some proprietary assessment tools may be excluded because of high cost and limited access. However, if access allows for multiple users and/or inclusion in course packets and learning management systems, the library may acquire these kinds of materials.
The Library acquires materials written in English or Spanish for the general collection, and materials in other languages as needed for instructional purposes. The Library does not acquire materials for the general collection that are in languages not taught at Cabrillo College, except in special circumstances.
The Library typically does not purchase multiple copies of general collection materials, unless it is to add circulating copies in both Watsonville and Aptos campus library collections. The Library will acquire copies of the same book in English and Spanish on a case-by-case basis. Additional copies may be justified based on timeliness or special need.
The Library does not acquire new editions of general collection material unless there is substantial revision to the content.
Textbooks are ordered for the Course Reserves textbook collection and are not normally acquired for the general collection. Textbooks that are marked as "required" by the course instructor are acquired as budget allows. The Library does not purchase textbooks that have an individual access code requirement for student access to homework, quizzes, problem sets, etc.
The primary purpose for the Cabrillo College Library's print collection is to acquire books to support the curricular needs of instructional programs offered at the college. Popular reading or self-help books may be excluded due to scope and are better handled through partnerships with local public library systems. However, courses use a variety of materials which might include graphic novels, films, music, or other media and it would be reasonable for the library to develop a collection in support of those curricular goals.
The Library selects electronic databases and journals to support lower-division curriculum and career development and exploration. The Library participates in a consortium with other California Community College libraries to offer a baseline set of databases, with selections made to support additional unique curricular needs of our college. Electronic databases and journals are selected by the Library Director and faculty librarians. Requests for additional subscription resources are reviewed by the Library Director for feasibility within the Library's existing continuing budget. Database and journal subscriptions are not made through the use of one-time funds.
The Library allocates streaming video and audio licenses through specific requests by faculty for use in currently-active courses or for specific campus-wide events. The Technology Services Librarian and/or Library Director review requests and approve licenses for video and audio on a case-by-case basis.
The Library does not actively collect new DVDs, CDs, or other physical audiovisual materials unless it is specifically requested by faculty for a currently-active course or for a specific campus-wide event. The Library Director and/or Technology Services Librarian review requests and approve purchases on a case-by-case basis.
The Archives of Cabrillo College consist of the principal publications of the college, including catalogs, periodicals, handbooks, reports, yearbooks, brochures, minutes of the Governing Board, and the Faculty Senate. Materials about the college and its history are also kept in the Archives. The Library recognizes that it cannot function as a comprehensive records management facility for the College. Materials are stored in the best archival protective conditions that budget allows. Requests to access physical archival materials are approved on a case-by-case basis and mediated by librarians through the Information Desk. Materials previously digitized will be made available through the Library catalog as funds and staffing allow.
The Cabrillo College Library offers interlibrary loan services through its institutional membership in the Monterey Bay Area Consortium and through subscription to OCLC's WorldShare platform. Interlibrary loan requests must be placed through the Information Desk, either in person, by phone, or via Ask A Librarian. Interlibrary loan services are available to current affiliates of Cabrillo College (actively enrolled students, faculty, staff, administrators, emeritus faculty and staff, Foundation employees, and board trustees). The Library may choose to acquire a book or media item in response to an interlibrary loan request; however, we may decline to purchase the item if it does not meet current selection criteria.
The Cabrillo College Library welcomes purchase requests from current affiliates of Cabrillo College (actively enrolled students, faculty, staff, administrators, emeritus faculty and staff, Foundation employees, and board trustees). The Library may choose to acquire a book or media item in response to a purchase request; however, we may decline to purchase the item if it does not meet current selection criteria or is readily available from the local public library system.